About Us

How we work?

We are a members only non-auditioned community choir and welcome new singers over 18 (or over 12 if accompanied by an adult) no matter what your singing experience.

The admin of the choir is run by a small committee of willing volunteers and our Musical Director runs practise sessions and musical performances. We also have an accompanist on piano and we make full use of online practise tracks for each voice part to use at home.


Our membership fee is £10 for all new members which helps to cover costs such as insurance, music sheets, a choir t-shirt and a folder for performances.

We run in half termly blocks (in line with the local school terms) of roughly 6 sessions per block, paid for by members at the start of each block. Sessions are currently just £6.50 for adults and £5.00 for under 18s.

Taster Session!

Not sure whether you want to become a member yet? Not a problem! We know it sometimes takes a few weeks to decide if a choir is right for you, so you are welcome to give us a try. The first session is free and we let newcomers try us for a couple of more weeks after that, on a pay-as-you-go basis, before they become full members!